
Printable paper ring sizer
Printable paper ring sizer

printable paper ring sizer

With their deep meaning and representation of love, it’s important that your ring size fits perfectly. Like your marriage, engagement rings are created to last forever. The never-ending circle of the ring represents an eternal love that also never ends. With their origin dating back to the ancient Egyptians, wedding rings are typically worn on the fourth finger of the left hand because of the vein’s direct connection to the heart. Can they ask her for her ring size? If the question fits naturally into a conversation, they can simply ask for her ring size without giving away your secret.Throughout history, wedding rings have been exchanged as a symbol of eternal love and commitment. Would they go jewelry shopping together? Whether at an artisan market, the mall, or even a jewelry store, they could browse for rings while also noting her size.Ĥ. The most common women ring size is 6-6.5, so knowing this could also help find her ring size.ģ. Are they open to having her try on their rings? If they have similar sized hands, they could try each others’ rings for fun and in the process gauge her size. In this case, they may already know her size.Ģ. Do they already know her ring size? Perhaps her mom or best friend recently purchased a ring for her as a gift. Just make sure this is someone you can trust with your secret, otherwise, it’s not worth the risk. Pay close attention to the fit.Įnlist the help of a close friend or family member who may either already know her ring size, or who can assist you in executing the other methods. Casually ask her to try it on to make sure it “looks good” before you gift it to your mom. If visiting a store together is not possible, try purchasing an inexpensive ring you think would fit her. If needed, take a solo trip to the store ahead of time to familiarize yourself with where and how sizes are listed.ģ. Pay attention to which size fits her best. Do you know yours? I could use you as a reference.” Make sure this feels like a natural part of the conversation.Ģ. As you browse for rings, say your version of, “I don’t know what ring size my mom wears.

printable paper ring sizer

Casually ask her if she knows her own ring size. Here are a few tactics you can apply to find her ring size:ġ. This could also be a great way to gauge her style, especially if you ask her for advice on color and other design elements. Whether it’s your sister, grandmother, aunt, or mom, picking someone whose hands closely match hers should be fine. If you’re up for the acting challenge, pretend that you want to buy a ring for someone else and ask her for help. Method 2: Pretend To Shop For Someone Else If it does, you can measure that finger later to figure out the size on your own time. If pressed for time, try the ring on your own fingers and see if one of them fits well. Take the paper to a jeweler for a size estimate.ĥ. Carefully trace the inside and outside of the ring on a piece of paper. If the ring lands between two sizes, always choose the larger one.Ĥ. Move the ring from circle to circle until you find the best match for the ring’s inner diameter. Be sure to print it ahead of time and use a ruler to double-check that it is precisely to scale. The line where the ring stops indicates the ring size.ģ. To quickly and accurately measure the ring yourself, purchasing or borrowing a ring mandrel (also called a ‘ring sizer’) is a reliable and accurate option. While this takes some time, it’s also the most accurate way to find her ring size.Ģ. If you have a few hours, take the ring to a local jeweler to size it professionally. You don’t want her to find out, and you definitely don’t want to accidentally lose the ring! Depending on how much time you’ll have with the ring before she notices it’s gone, here are a few tactics to consider to find her ring size:ġ. If you’re wanting to have a surprise proposal, secretly “borrow” and measure a ring that fits her left-hand ring finger (or the finger you intend her to use).

Printable paper ring sizer